Privacy policy

Confidentiality and security are core values at Kronos, so we undertake to guarantee the user's privacy at all times and not to collect any unnecessary information about the user.

Who is the Data Controller?

The data controller responsible for processing your personal data is AGSI Produce Investment Spain, with headquarters located at Calle Poniol 11, El Vendrell, 43700, Tarragona

For any query or request regarding data protection, please contact us using the following email address: .

What is the purpose of the processing of personal data?

A) Contact form/sending an email or phone call:

In the event that you have filled in your data in the contact form or you have called us or sent us an email requesting information, AGSI will process your personal data in order to attend to and manage your inquiry by resolving the request for information that you may have needed.

The processing of this personal data is based on the consent that you give by actively sending your request.

You may withdraw your consent at any time and without being required to give any reason for doing so by sending an email to

B) Blog: 

If you have filled in your data on the blog contact form, AGSI will process your personal data in order to send you information about the blog or about Kronos developments.

The processing of this personal data is based on the consent you give when clicking on the subscription button.

You may withdraw your consent at any time and without being required to give any reason for doing so by sending an email to This option to withdraw your consent will also be provided in all the messages we send to you.

C) Cookies: 

The Kronos website installs cookies on the user's browser devices in order to obtain analytical and statistical information on their browsing and use of our website. Furthermore, this website uses third-party cookies for advertising purposes. These cookies are voluntarily installed by the user, who may configure their settings or withdraw the consent given at any time.

Further information about cookies is available in the Cookies Policy. 

How long do you store personal data?

- Contact: We will process your data for the period required to deal with and resolve the request you send via the Contact form. In any case, AGSI will delete this data within a maximum period of 1 year.

- Blog: If you have agreed to be sent blog entries, we will process your data for as long as you maintain your consent and we will stop processing it if you withdraw your consent.

- Cookies: In the case of cookies, your data may be processed while you maintain your consent for their installation and for the duration of their installation, which is a maximum of 2 years.

Who do we disclose your personal data to?

AGSI works with partners who provide services such as computer and website maintenance companies, legal services and consulting services. In order to provide their services, these partners may access personal data held by AGSI.

AGSI meticulously selects and controls these third parties, with which it has signed data protection agreements obliging them to comply with a series of data protection obligations.

Likewise, AGSI may disclose your data if so required by the relevant authorities.

Other than as detailed above, Kronos will not disclose your personal data to any other third parties.

Security of your personal data

With the aim of safeguarding the security of your personal data, please note that AGSI has adopted all the technical and organisational measures required to guarantee the security of the personal data provided against any alteration, loss, and unauthorised access or processing.

Updating your information

In order for us to keep your personal data up to date, it is important that you inform us of any changes. Otherwise, we cannot be held liable for its accuracy.

What are your rights with regards to your personal data and how do you exercise them?

Under the terms set forth in the data protection regulations, you may withdraw the authorisation granted for the processing and transfer of your personal data at any time, and you may likewise exercise your rights of access, rectification, objection, restriction, erasure, portability and not be subject to automated decisions, by sending an email to AGSI at or by writing toCalle Poniol 11, El Vendrell, 43700, Tarragona.

How can you assert your data protection rights?

If you believe that any of your data protection rights have been breached, you may contact AGSI at the above address to rectify or alleviate your concerns over this matter. You also have the option of contacting the data protection authorities at any time to safeguard your rights via

Cookies settings

We use cookies on our website.

Some of them are necessary for the functioning of the site, but you can decide about others.